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Name: funny.p.T:Ort: Anime

Name: Ruderich CormorantOrt: Time for Lunch

It was a cloudy autumn day in Sussex, Milwaukee,
primary school teacher Florence M. Bretty stood home,
busy by the corrections of the english exam third grade.
The big black bird in the trees behind her garden,
wasn't something really unusual
that close to the Great Lakes.

So the biggest disappointment of the afternoon has been,
that one of her most likeable scholars has chosen,
for the theme of the free essay about the education system,
'About the possibility of a serious relationship
from a teacher to her much younger scholar.'
All at all the composition wasn't that bad,
she has given a C- to him,
cause him nearly has missed the problem.

In expectation of the love and romance soap at 6 p.m.,
with Gibson the Sunnyboy possessing all character traits,
her potential boy-friend ought to own,
she did some preparation in kitchen for the later on meal,
taking the fish sticks out of the fridge,
cutting onions, cleaning the vegetables,
for the mixed salad with rocula,
right to the beginning of the TV-Program,
she was back on the cosy sofa.

Not even 10 minutes later it happened,
Ruderich the Fish-Devourer waddles through her living-room,
the package with the fish-sticks in his pecker,
spending her a look like:
"Give me my way, and don't border me with your affairs",
leaving the room unhurried by the open terrace door.

Our deplorable mistress keeps paralyzed her place,
while darling Gibson was arrested by the police,
cause him has violent injured his former girl-friend,
in a temper between bad mood and to much alcohol.

Out of an attack of self-destruction,
Florence rushes to the bathroom,
cutting off all her red and long curls,
to the bare skin of her head,
with the razor blade,
her usually uses for the small haires at the shinbones.

µ ;-d

bearable foolishness yet not disgusting depending to actually circumstances
Name: Ruderich CormorantOrt: Break Fast

Paula G. was convinced her's something special.
Sure we all know every girl around,
the twenties, the thirties, and so on,
means her is something special.
But the case of Paula is different,
totally clear her is something special,
and she does her things special.
Never her would play tennis, softball or do riding,
maybe polo, play cricket or golf.
And if any other girl on her free morning,
will have breakfast, with eggs, salmon and sparkling wine,
her would have caviare, lobster with champaign.
That kind of morning it was.

The special kind of morning even,
for breakfast outside on the terrace,
thus her takes the electric cooler,
for caviare and champaign,
the electric barbecue to boil the water
out to the wooden desk on the patio.

In the garden she saw a bird sitting on the stub of a tree,
what nice piece of art her thought,
certainly the gardener has put it there,
sure she hasn't known till yet
that she has any gardener,
but her is something special,
therefor maybe it was the gardener of a neighour,
also she wasn't quite clear about,
if she has any neighbours.

The thoughts of the lobster were very different,
of the ones from her.
As him saw the bird, the lobster cries out loud:
"Help me, save my life;
the boiled water, yes him knows about;
Ruderich the Fish-Devourer for sure will kill me;
beings like him know all a lot about Ruderich."

The bird, Ruderich, knows nothing about graciousness,
he captures the poor lobster,
and gone him was.

And what's about our delighted Paula?
Her indeed has had a very special morning,
with a talking lobster and a raptorial artwork,
all things she has to talk about with her special psychoanalyst,
him always looks after her special kind of problems.

She walks to the carport,
to her special cadillac roadster in xenon-blue,
not 100 meters further,
her hits a hydrant,
by her special way of driving.

Under the cold shower of the water,
generally used by firemen to battle the blaze,
her takes her special mobile to call a taxi,
cause if her would visit the psychoanalyst,
with this rotten a hairstyle,
him will take her for seriously mad.
The taxi shall drive to her special coiffeur.

With a smile in her face,
in the backyard of her raked brain,
a thought seizes to truth.

Her special life will keep on be special,
as long as Daddy's Golden Diner,
her wouldn't lose.

Name: funny.p.T:Ort: Ready

Shirly K. worked as this much girls in the early 30s,
in an office of the district-capital of a this typical Midwest-State,
not much that differs her from the consexuals the same age,
as well not in her diet plans,
which change very often with doubtful success.
Right now she was on her way home,
just wanted to stop at the shopping mall,
to buy some delicious food for an evening in front of the chimney
together with her Persian cat Sheila.

And sure she has seen him as she left the car.
"A black bird on the roof of the mall,
even as him has twinkled towards her
with his left eye.
What the hell should it mean,
surely nothing special,
not even a mystic sign."

Oh what a stupid maid,
with what a supid mind.

A quarter of an hour later,
as she left the mall and
nearly has reached the car
with the full packed trolley,
the black bird came down from the roof.

Like the caribbean pirates did in elapsed centuries,
with a by treasuries overweight spanish galley,
Ruderich the Fish-Devourer,
oh yes, sure, Him it was,
boarded the trolley,
picking up the salted mackarels in sour remolade,
wraped in a soft-package out of cellophane,
all the air filled up by his triumphant cawing,
leaving the place of his bold raid.

That way it was,
but much to much for our
lighthearted and cheerful princess,
therefor it was 10 in the morning,
luckily a saturday,
when devoted Persian cat Sheila,
brought back Shirly K. to life,
by licking her face.
As Shirly opened her terrified eyes one by the other,
she found herself lying on the floor,
in front of the chemney,
beside her a broken stemware glass,
and two empty bottles of
californian sunshine valley red.

µ  :'-D

Just press the button

Name: funny.p.T:Ort: Ready Made

Moo, moo, mooh, moo.

Finding of the day:

Nothing left to say,
what I haven't said yet,
or what these farie-like female beings,
ever could be able to understand!

µ   ':  -D

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