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Name: asartëhoyOrt: Affected
E-Mail: asartuhoy@sickgreenfrog.de
URL: www.never-forget-the-hankie.de
Kommentar: Ay, ay rocinante tell you something!
A famous ending of act one,
each time I melt into tears and
then drops the curtain.

How is about our popcorn reserve,
would it last till our next scene?
What tells the set-note about it?
Soon have to talk to funny,
he doesn't appreciate my talents enough,
for sure him will give me
a more ambitious part.
Name: radyOrt: Distress
E-Mail: paniccat@sickgreenfrog.de
URL: www.only-her-may-know-what-have.done
Kommentar: Tragedy, tragedy, tragedy.
This bitterness it hurts.
Ouch, ow, ow, ouch! ²

I act like the ax in the forest,
couldn't see the wood for the trees,
plucked her heartstrings with disharmony.
Ouch, ow, ow, ouch! ²

Oh look her tears they flow,
tears, tears over her face,
flowing streams of pain.
Oh, oh what have I done?
Ah, ah what a mess!
Ouch, ow, ow, ouch! ²

I wish her to be a wallpaper,
I would know how her to treat.
Her tears they will dry,
as fast as the glue and
I always could be within her!
Ouch, ow, ow, ouch! ² [4 repeats]
Ouch, ow, ow, ow! ²

² Imagine a melody in a-moll!
Name: shadow witchOrt: Snivel
E-Mail: directed@the-audience.es
URL: www.what-you-know-about-heartache.pr
Kommentar: Why do you hit me that hard,
you like to see the teardrops in my eyes?
I myself know about the time,
faded away the days filled up with relish,
then my looks takes your breath.
Oh, oh, if I can't be your snuggle,
at least let me be your gentle maid!
Name: radyOrt: Quandary
E-Mail: rady@sickgreenfrog.de
URL: www.the-ghosts-'I'-called-won't-leave.es
Kommentar: Oh no, nay and once more nope,
the TBOWW, may I laugh at?
Saw it some times ago as shopkeeper,
ahead in the filling station,
behind in a grubby niche.
For sure it is that useful as,
parsley against whooping cough.
A former stylish quackish novelette.
Likewise time don't spares doting hags, aye!

=[ 8-]
Name: shaneOrt: Shirty
E-Mail: shane@sickgreenfrog.de
URL: www.childs-rubbish.de
Kommentar: Shut up you both,
you get on our wick.
Snuggle against each other,
go to smooch,
or as for me, to fuck.
Dash out one another's brain.
Anything soever you like!
But I won't stand this foolish dissing
not even the least wink further on.

Wuff, wuff, groooaar!
  µ   ;-P
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